The Helium release valve provides functionality for professional divers operating at great depths for prolonged periods of time. Divers in such conditions often spend prolonged hours under pressure in diving bells, breathing in helium or sometimes hydrogen gases. Since helium atoms are the smallest natural gas particles found in nature, these work their way inside the watch, around any o-rings or other seals the watch may feature. This is not a problem as long as divers stay under pressure, but when decompression stops during resurfacing, a pressure difference builds up between the trapped gas in the watchcase and its new environment.

Saturation divers work at great depths for extended periods of time to complete tasks over several days. Descending down and ascending back to the surface is a carefully controlled exercise in the use of various gases which are critical to ensure safety.
The helium release valve safely allows the trapped gas to exit. By turning the valve, Helium gas can leave the case without any damage to the watch.
The manual release valve must be screwed in and out based on use.
The automatic helium release valve does not need any manual intervention or adjustment. Gas can automatically disperse from the case through the spring-actuated valve on the side of the watch. As pressure from expanding helium builds inside the watchcase, the valve opens up just enough to emit the helium from the watch, making the watch safe to use in any deep-sea condition.
Please make sure to use the screw down crown on your timepiece for maximum water protection.